
You Think You are lyrics, You Think You are hindi lyrics

Free You Think You are mp3 song

We presents for now You Think You are mp3 song More details about this is provided below in form of lyrics. If in case the you ar enot able to play the song then you can also able to play the video song.

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You Think You are
Artist : Aaron Neville
You Think You are Song Lyrics

song lyrics
You Think You re So Smart lyrics
( g. davis, jr )

You think you re so smart
Yes, you think you know it all
But the game you re trying to play
Can be played another way
And you see that, you never never had it so good till you met me

I brought you to the city
Now you tell me, there s no room for pity
My friends tried to tell me so
I told them they didn t know
That lights have gone to your head
You never never had it so good till you met, until you met me, oh until you met me
No you never, you never, you never had it so good
song lyrics

You Think You are Video Song
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