
Space Invaders lyrics lyrics, Space Invaders lyrics hindi lyrics

Free Space Invaders lyrics mp3 song

We presents for now Space Invaders lyrics mp3 song More details about this is provided below in form of lyrics. If in case the you ar enot able to play the song then you can also able to play the video song.

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Space Invaders lyrics
Artist : Aqua
Space Invaders lyrics Song Lyrics

song lyrics
Space Invaders lyrics

Space invaders
In the air,
In a flying saucer,
You can take me there,
Space invaders
In the air,
In a flying saucer,
You can take me there.

U-F-O. Come. Let s go

You are an alien,
With super high intelligence,
Flying in a spaceship round and round.

I am an alien,
With super high intelligence,
Flying in my spaceship up and down.

Space invaders
In the air,
In a flying saucer,
You can take me there,
Space invaders
In the air,
In a flying saucer,
You can take me there.

Space invaders
In the air,
In a flying saucer,
You can take me there,
Space invaders
In the air,
In a flying saucer,
You can take me there.

U-F-O. Come. Let s go,

You are an alien,
Coming from the universe,
Trying to seduce every single man.

We come from a galaxy,
Where we don t like humanity,
You cannot escape, our master plan.

Space invaders
In the air,
In a flying saucer,
You can take me there,
Space invaders
In the air,
In a flying saucer,
You can take me there.

Space invaders
In the air,
In a flying saucer,
You can take me there,
Space invaders
In the air,
In a flying saucer,
You can take me there.

You fly away,
Into hyperspace,
Back again to your alien girlfriend,
Won t you stay,
For another day,
You and I,
Together we can fly (WE CAN FLY)

Space invaders
In the air,
In a flying saucer,
You can take me there,
Space invaders
In the air,
In a flying saucer,
You can take me there.

Space invaders
In the air,
In a flying saucer,
You can take me there,
Space invaders
In the air,
In a flying saucer,
You can take me there.

Come. Let s go!
song lyrics

Space Invaders lyrics Video Song
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