
When You Think Outloud lyrics lyrics, When You Think Outloud lyrics hindi lyrics

Free When You Think Outloud lyrics mp3 song

We presents for now When You Think Outloud lyrics mp3 song More details about this is provided below in form of lyrics. If in case the you ar enot able to play the song then you can also able to play the video song.

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When You Think Outloud lyrics
Artist : XYZ
When You Think Outloud lyrics Song Lyrics

song lyrics
When You Think Outloud lyrics

Hoping I am not the anchor keeping you in port,
The hardest part of setting sail is just getting the first foot on the ship.
If leaving me makes being you easy then go, oh no let me take it back.

No one could ever be my someone
who once told me I was crazy for being a fool.
No one could ever be my someone
who once told me I was crazy for being a fool.

Here I go counting seconds until I complain again.

Hoping I am not just comfort keeping you around.
A person keeping you away from him or her, here or there but...
If leaving me makes being you easy then go, oh no let me take it back.

No one could ever be my someone
who once told me I was crazy for being a fool.
No one could ever be my someone
who once told me I was crazy for being a fool.

Here I go counting seconds until I complain again.

No one could ever be my someone
who once told me I was crazy for being a fool.
No one could ever be my someone
who once told me I was crazy for being a fool.
song lyrics

When You Think Outloud lyrics Video Song
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