
Sarah Jane lyrics lyrics, Sarah Jane lyrics hindi lyrics

Free Sarah Jane lyrics mp3 song

We presents for now Sarah Jane lyrics mp3 song More details about this is provided below in form of lyrics. If in case the you ar enot able to play the song then you can also able to play the video song.

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Sarah Jane lyrics
Artist : Bob Dylan
Sarah Jane lyrics Song Lyrics

song lyrics
Sarah Jane lyrics

I got a wife and five little chillun
I m gonna take a trip on the big McMillan
With Saro Jane
Saro Jane
Ain t nothin to do
But to set down and sing
And rock about my Saro Jane

The boiler busted and the whistle squall
The Captain gone through the hole-in-the-wall
Oh Saro Jane
Saro Jane
Ain t nothin to do
But to set down and sing
And rock about my Saro Jane

The engine give a crack and the whistle gave a squall
The engineer gone to the hole-in-the-wall
Saro Jane
Saro Jane
Ain t nothin to do
But to set down and sing
And rock about my Saro Jane

Yankee built boats to shoot them Rebels
My gun s steady gonna hold it level
Saro Jane
Saro Jane
But to set down and sing
And rock about my Saro Jane

I got a wife and five little chillun
I m gonna take a trip on the big McMillan
Saro Jane
Saro Jane
Ain t nothin to do
But to set down and sing
And rock about my Saro Jane
song lyrics

Sarah Jane lyrics Video Song
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