
U R On My lyrics, U R On My hindi lyrics

Free U R On My mp3 song

We presents for now U R On My mp3 song More details about this is provided below in form of lyrics. If in case the you ar enot able to play the song then you can also able to play the video song.

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U R On My
Artist : Basement Jaxx
U R On My Song Lyrics

song lyrics
U R On My Mind lyrics
You are in my mind
As I lay down
You are in my mind
As I lay me down

You are in my mind
As I lay down
You are in my mind
As I lay me down

Don t know if this world is where I want to be
Maybe we could find a planet just for you and me
You re my stairway to my heaven
You mean more than all those things
That I could ever imagine

So take my pleasure, take my pain
Cos you re the moisture in my rain, yeah
If you believe, yes, it can happen
I belong to you ultimately, yeah

You are in my mind
You are in my mind
As I lay down

You are in my mind
You are in my mind
As I lay down

You are in my mind
As I lay down
You are in my mind
As I lay me down

You are in my mind
As I lay down
You are in my mind
As I lay me down

You are in my mind
You are in my mind
As I lay down

You are in my mind
You are in my mind
You are in my mind
As I lay down

Your taste, your sense, your touch
I need you for sure
I need you for sure

You are in my mind
As I lay down
You are in my mind
As I lay me down

You are in my mind
As I lay down
You are in my mind
As I lay me down
song lyrics

U R On My Video Song
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