
I Could If They lyrics, I Could If They hindi lyrics

Free I Could If They mp3 song

We presents for now I Could If They mp3 song More details about this is provided below in form of lyrics. If in case the you ar enot able to play the song then you can also able to play the video song.

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I Could If They
Artist : Billy Gilman
I Could If They Song Lyrics

song lyrics
I Could... If They Would lyrics

If they would find a cure when I m a kid
I could ride a bike and sail on rollerblades, and
I could go on really long nature hikes

If they would find a cure when I m a teenager
I could earn my license and drive a car, and
I could dance every dance at my senior prom

If they would find a cure when
I m a young adult
I could travel around the world and teach peace, and
I could marry and have children of my own

I could... if they would
I could... if they would

If they would find a cure when
I m grown old
I could visit exotic places and appreciate culture
And proudly share pictures of my grandchildren

If they would find a cure when
I m alive
I could live each day without pain and machines, and
I could celebrate the biggest thank you of life ever

I could... if they would
I could... if they would

If they would find a cure when
I m buried into heaven
I could still celebrate with my brothers and sister there, and
I could still be happy knowing that I, knowing that I, was a part of the effort
song lyrics

I Could If They Video Song
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