
Why Do Things Happen lyrics, Why Do Things Happen hindi lyrics

Free Why Do Things Happen mp3 song

We presents for now Why Do Things Happen mp3 song More details about this is provided below in form of lyrics. If in case the you ar enot able to play the song then you can also able to play the video song.

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Why Do Things Happen
Artist : Bb King
Why Do Things Happen Song Lyrics

song lyrics
Why Do Things Happen To Me lyrics

I wonder why
Why do everything have to happen to me
I wonder why
Why do everything have to happen to me
Well, I m blue and I m lonesome
My heart is filled with misery

Oh, so many strange things
They happen to me all day long
Oh, so many strange things
They happen to me all day long
Yes, it seems like everything I do
Everything I do is wrong

I had a good reputation
The greatest man in town
But I m having so much troubles
Till they bout to drag me down
I wonder why
Why do everything have to happen to me
Well, I m blue and I m lonesome
My heart is filled with misery

I got up on my feet
I had lots of friends
But bad luck had hit me
Now I m down again
I wonder why
Why do everything have to happen to me
Well, I m blue and I m lonesome
My heart is filled with misery
song lyrics

Why Do Things Happen Video Song
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