
To Think I d lyrics, To Think I d hindi lyrics

Free To Think I d mp3 song

We presents for now To Think I d mp3 song More details about this is provided below in form of lyrics. If in case the you ar enot able to play the song then you can also able to play the video song.

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To Think I d
Artist : Bluebottle Kiss
To Think I d Song Lyrics

song lyrics
To Think I d Ever Disappoint You lyrics
To think I d ever disappoint you
The sky s right open now
Your ghost is floating through the telegraph wires
On the steamy streets far below

You lie awake and over sober cicada torture
And nothing s open and the clock lags on
Always 4:01 in the morn

Feel it s my duty to inform you
This disappointments just a stage we all go through
Self-absorption self-destruction
Listen to my night song
I ll take you far from home

Sometimes I like to go out walking
Like detectives in old B-grade moves do
Black-grey water under pillar and the stones cry out
And the whole world becomes my room

Forks in the road and this was meant to be my destination
All girls under bridges all friends under ground
But any seagull could tell you that than
Hear yourself the lights are out like some broken compass
Ain t nobody gonna miss you not when you don t miss no-one all
Girls under bridges, all friends under underground
Your feet over all places they found in the darkness
In the back row in all the places you ve never been
song lyrics

To Think I d Video Song
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