
If You Ever Think lyrics, If You Ever Think hindi lyrics

Free If You Ever Think mp3 song

We presents for now If You Ever Think mp3 song More details about this is provided below in form of lyrics. If in case the you ar enot able to play the song then you can also able to play the video song.

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If You Ever Think
Artist : Chiara Civello
If You Ever Think Song Lyrics

song lyrics
If You Ever Think Of Me lyrics

Spring isn?t shy here
it?s sunny and green
back to a room,
somewhere and nowhere,
i love to be,
so i lay down and wonder:
if you ever think of me

see many faces
with no names
eat local dishes
from somewhere nowhere
i?m lost and free
so i think and i wonder
if you ever think of me

cause you and i
are never under the same sky

every day
and every night
i say hello
i mean goodbye
from somwhere nowhere
so i sing and i wonder
if you ever think of me

cause you and i
are never under the same sky

days go by
dreams turn gray
sooner or later
we all run away
somewhere nowhere
we?ll always be
and with our wings on the doorway,
about to break free,
i?ll stop and i?ll wonder
if you ever think of me
song lyrics

If You Ever Think Video Song
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