
Think For Yourself lyrics lyrics, Think For Yourself lyrics hindi lyrics

Free Think For Yourself lyrics mp3 song

We presents for now Think For Yourself lyrics mp3 song More details about this is provided below in form of lyrics. If in case the you ar enot able to play the song then you can also able to play the video song.

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Think For Yourself lyrics
Artist : Dri
Think For Yourself lyrics Song Lyrics

song lyrics
Think For Yourself lyrics

How can you be
So quick to condemn
By word or rumor
Heard from a friend?

One can t believe
All that one hears
It s your decision
And not your peers

Think for yourself
Don t rely on someone else

How can you say
That I m that way?
You don t know
Just heard it was so

You re against me
Well, how can that be?
We ve never met
Your opinion s been set

Think for yourself
Don t rely on someone else

Inspect each situation
See from both sides
Seek out the truth
Bury the lies

One can t believe
All that one hears
It s your decision
And not your peers

Think for yourself
Don t rely on someone else
song lyrics

Think For Yourself lyrics Video Song
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