
Despite The Waves lyrics lyrics, Despite The Waves lyrics hindi lyrics

Free Despite The Waves lyrics mp3 song

We presents for now Despite The Waves lyrics mp3 song More details about this is provided below in form of lyrics. If in case the you ar enot able to play the song then you can also able to play the video song.

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Despite The Waves lyrics
Artist : XYZ
Despite The Waves lyrics Song Lyrics

Despite The Waves lyrics

Living everyday
Trapped behind the walls
And it s something you defend

Pain is in your eyes
You re holding back the tears
So why is it that you pretend?

And all this time you ve hidden the abuse
But now you have a way out
It s your life, just choose

So afraid but not for long
You ll brave the sea despite the waves
Now it s time to shear your fears
And trough them all away
You braved the sea despite the waves

Walked amongst the shadows
Through the chilling air of dusk
Once again, but not alone

Waiting all your life for destiny
To shatter these four walls
And set, you free

So afraid but not for long
You ll brave the sea despite the waves
Now it s time to shear your fears
And trough them all away
You braved the sea despite the waves

Visions in deep sleep
Racing through the mind
Will he ever dream again?

Visions in deep sleep
So vivid and serene
How he wants to dream again

Waiting all your life for destiny
To shatter these four walls
And set, you free

So afraid but not for long
You ll brave the sea despite the waves
Now it s time to shear your fears
And trough them all away
You braved the sea despite the waves

Despite The Waves lyrics Video Song
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