
Apon Keho Nai lyrics, Apon Keho Nai hindi lyrics

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Free Apon Keho Nai mp3 song

We presents for now Apon Keho Nai mp3 song More details about this is provided below in form of lyrics. If in case the you ar enot able to play the song then you can also able to play the video song.

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Apon Keho Nai
Artist : LRB
Apon Keho Nai Song Lyrics

Song lyrics title : Apon Keho Nai
Singer : LRB


ebhabe amay kadiye chole jabe ami kono dino bhabini
kibhabe tomay khoma kore bhule jabo ami ekhono bhabini

dishehara amar mon ekhon tomake khuje jay
tumi chhara apon keho nai(2)

jontronay protikhon bhule jete parina
tumi kachhe nei emon mane na
shuru thekei kadale keno mayay jorale
ekhon jobone tumi nai

dishehara amar mon ekhon tomake khuje jay
tumi chhara apon keho nai(2)

raat jege dairy te koto kotha sritite
anmone ami likhe jai
jani ekdin hobe dekha
shob dukher shesh hobe
ai kotha bhebe thaki ashay

dishehara amar mon ekhon tomake khuje jay
tumi chhara apon keho nai(2)

Posted By..... Triparna

Apon Keho Nai Video Song
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